Hey, I’m Kayla!

I help gen z and millennial women and their partners unleash their inner superheroes, conquer mental health challenges, build rock-solid relationships, and live their best lives with confidence and clarity.

Why choose me as your wingwoman?

Your multidimensional life navigator

Picture this: I'm your personal cheerleader, mental health mentor, sounding board, and reality check all rolled into one. I'm here to help you discover your own answers while sharing my secret stash of mental health tips from my years of therapy battling disappointment, ADHD, anxiety, and OCD. Plus, I can teach you how to ace the relationship game.

My forward-focused approach

Forget the couch, we're all about goals and action plans here. We'll set goals, crush them, and tackle life's curveballs together. My style is holistic: client-led coaching, a sprinkle of spirituality (if you're into that), and a big dose of science-backed wisdom and personal stories.

Empowering you to be you

In our sessions, we’re partners in crime. Between sessions, you’re the hero following through on our action-packed plans. One client said I "call it like it is, but in the most caring way." I’ll help you spot and ditch those sneaky self-sabotaging habits without making you feel like a villain.

I’m relatable and real

I'm not some guru on a mountaintop—I'm just a few steps ahead of you. Clients tell me they trust me more because I've walked the same messy path. My approach often gives more "aha" moments than years of therapy because it's all about empowering you to be your own expert.


Ready to team up and transform your life? Let's make magic happen!

My story

Imagine being the youngest of six in a family that, at some points, could’ve inspired a TV drama. My older siblings? I was able to witness some of their (and my parents’) biggest struggles growing up. Yet, despite that empathy, I still felt like an outsider in my own life.

School was another rollercoaster. Undiagnosed ADHD made me constantly stressed and unable to prioritize. High school finally brought me a solid friend group and a relationship that brought me a sense of belonging, but when we all split for college and church missions, I was left feeling alone, confused and with an identity crisis.

I always dreamed of preaching full-time as a missionary. So, off I went to Santiago, Chile, and instead, I felt like a lost tourist. The personality barrier with the language difference was REAL, and the stress caused issues I couldn’t figure out how to handle. I ended up having to come home early because knee and foot pain left me unable to continue the long days.

Back home, I needed all kinds of therapy - physical and emotional. I got an ADHD diagnosis, which was like finally getting the Wifi password to my brain. Soon, I went back to college, which was a whirlwind of a cappella, new connections, enjoyable classes, self-discovery, and a dating life. I even got married!

But plot twist - my marriage turned into a bad sitcom, which had me battling even more mental health battles and an eventual divorce. But hey, it fueled my passion to help others find their happiness and build healthy relationships from the get-go.

Before my divorce, I learned TONS in therapy and started training to be a life coach. Post-divorce, I jumped back into the dating pool, battling my triggers and anxieties like a champ. I realized my calling included teaching people how to navigate trauma, mental health struggles, epic breakups, and how to find and keep healthy relationships.

As well as my coaching, I’ve worked with at-risk teens through a Utah State University grant program for four years. I teach relationship and sex education in alternative high schools, behavioral health centers, and juvenile prisons - I LOVE it.

Healing my relationship with God after these huge disappointments and battles was crucial for me and my healing. Research shows that spiritual practice is beneficial to mental health, so we can sprinkle in some spirituality-strengthening in my Gen Z and Millennial life coaching sessions if that aligns with you.


  • Youth Relationship Educator through Utah State University Extension.

  • Life, Spiritual and Relationship Coaching Certifications from Life Purpose Institute in Life.

  • Over 66 learning hours, 140 coaching hours, and 100+ techniques!

  • B.Sc in Family Studies and Human Development from Brigham Young University.

  • Certified Family Life Educator through the National Council on Family Relations.

  • Certified Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program Instructor for couples.

  • A colorful life of good old-fashioned personal experience

Follow my journey.